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Mill & Overlay – When To Overlay Your Asphalt? - Doctor Asphalt

Written by Anton | Feb 16, 2023 7:35:00 AM

You know that asphalt paving is a significant investment. You must ensure that you choose the right time to overlay your asphalt. Doctor Asphalt LLC will discuss the difference between mill and overlay and when you should select each. Keep reading to learn more about asphalt overlay!

Reasons for Overlaying Asphalt

Asphalt overlay is a process where new asphalt is laid over existing asphalt. It is typically done to improve the look of the existing asphalt or when a resurfacing is desired. Mill and overlay are done when the top layer of asphalt is milled off and replaced with new asphalt.

It is typically done when there is damage to the existing asphalt or when the asphalt is starting to show its age. You can also hire an experienced asphalt contractor to remove a deeper layer ofpaving and replace it with new asphalt. It is done when full depth reclamation of the asphalt surface is required.

Steps to An Asphalt Overlay

Whether you’re milling or overlaying asphalt, there are a few steps that you need to take. Here are the steps to follow for overlaying asphalt:

1. Mark Affected Areas

First, identify the problem areas in your asphalt paving. If you see cracks or potholes, these are the most likely places that will need attention.

2. Clean the Damaged Surface

Next, clean the area thoroughly. It will help ensure that your repair will last longer.

3. Apply Crack Filler

Once the area is clean, fill in cracks with an asphalt crack filler.

4. Apply the Asphalt Mix

Overlay the entire surface with fresh asphalt. You can purchase pre-mixed cold asphalt from your local hardware store. Pour the asphalt mix over the surface area, and then use a trowel to level it off.

If you’re doing an overlay, you’ll only lay down a thin layer of asphalt, usually half an inch. If you’re doing mill and overlay, your asphalt contractor will lay down a layer of asphalt about two inches thick. Once the asphalt is down, you’ll need to compact it. This is important because it helps to ensure that the asphalt paving is solid and durable.

5. Seal the Surface

Finally, seal the area with an asphalt sealer to protect it from the elements and extend its life. You can add more final touches, like striping or painting.

These simple tips can save significant money on repair and maintenance costs of your asphalt paving. You can avoid the expenses of an asphalt contractor and keep your driveway or parking lot in top-notch condition for many years. So don’t wait – get started on your asphalt overlay today!

Ending Note

If asphalt overlay is something you’re uncomfortable doing yourself, don’t worry. There’s no loss in calling in a professional asphalt contractor. They will have the necessary tools and experience to get the job done right – and quickly. It might seem costly upfront, but it will save you a significant amount in the long run.

Contact Doctor Asphalt LLC, reliable asphalt paving contractor serving St Paul, MN, for your asphalt overlay work today and get a free estimate.

Have questions? We’re happy to help. Thanks for reading.