Blog - Doctor Asphalt

Why Now Is The Best Time To Request A Bid For The 2021 Season - Doctor Asphalt

Written by Anton | Feb 16, 2023 10:17:00 AM

Just as the year is about to end, this is a golden opportunity to prepare your next year’s paving project ahead of time. As a property manager, you would already know how hard it is if a slight inconvenience occurs, whether related to the installation of pavement or maintenance; it takes weeks to resolve!

So, to ensure that you move smoothly into the next year’s project, seeking Doctor Asphalt’s professional paving help is the best choice.

You cannot only figure out the difficulties you might face, but you also know the necessary steps that will help you install your pavement and plan for its budget accordingly. Click here to hire expert assistance with your paving project in Dallas, Tx, and spend stress-free paving days!

In today’s blog, we will discuss four advantages of requesting a bid for the 2021 paving project today!

1.   Ample Time to Research Your Options

Since it is the winter season, laying asphalt pavement is of no use. However, planning for spring projects is worthwhile. You can quickly meet contractors and explore your options to get the best one available.

Meanwhile, you can also learn about different paving materials and techniques to extend your pavement’s quality and durability.

2.   Hassle-Free Budget Preparation

Of course, the paving project will involve so many materials, machinery, tools, and workforce that you will lose track of the total production cost. To avoid this, you must set the project’s budget beforehand.

For instance, if you start today, you can note down all the charges without any hassle. Once done, you can then compare your expected costs of each item with the market price and maintain your accounts accordingly.

3.   Evaluation of Current Asphalt Surfaces

Whether it is a home driveway, parking lot, or any other surface where you want to install the pavement, space needs to be analyzed and prepared beforehand. This includes performing necessary paving maintenance services such as filling all cracks and potholes, cleaning oil stains, and warping.

Know that this inspection will help you in determining if the surface is good enough to lay the pavement or not.

4.   Opportunity to Request an Estimate

Assessing a contractor’s work before finalizing them is essential in laying strong and durable pavement. Therefore, planning and preparing for the project is the only way you can get across the selected contractor’s work. Moreover, watch out for companies that offer lower rates for installing pavement – they are usually nothing but a scam!

All in all, you wouldn’t want your hard-earned money to go down the drain. So, start bidding for next year’s pavement project today and improve your chances of installing premium quality pavement in no time.

Doctor Asphalt is always at your service to install new pavement or repave your currently broken-down property at an affordable rate. Click here to hire us to fulfill your paving needs anywhere in Dallas, Tx, today!